
Wednesday Aug 09, 2023
Lisa Kellner Interview
Wednesday Aug 09, 2023
Wednesday Aug 09, 2023
Words of the day: color. contemplative. minimal. awkward. woven.
Welcome Lisa Kellner to the program! She joins us from Deer, Island Maine from her local library, how cool!
In the conversation we dive into the 3 to 5 words to describe the paintings question, of course, as well as their influences and ideas, a little bit about titles.
Also part of the interview is a tip on how to stay out of trouble while painting, writing in 3 different books as part of her studio practice, and so much more…listen in!
The artist's website: https://www.lisakellner.com/
Thanks for listening!
(Original intro song by David T Miller and Phillip J. Mellen)

Wednesday Feb 15, 2023
Debbi Kenote Interview
Wednesday Feb 15, 2023
Wednesday Feb 15, 2023
Hey welcome to Ahtcast!
As always I encourage listeners to visit the artist’s websites, or www.ahtcast.com/ and check out the work as you listen along. Alright, let’s get started…
This episode’s guest is Brooklyn based painter Debbi Kenote.
Words of the day: Butterfly. Symmetry. Sharp. Bright. and Aquatic.
In the conversation Debbi shares some of her experiences from growing up in the Pacific-Northwest as well as being home schooled until high school where her artistic life was encouraged at a whole other level.
Now living in Brooklyn we talk about how her experiences prior to that makes its way into her work as well as the city’s influence. And more...
Also part of the interview are two questions submitted by previous guest Connie Goldman so be sure to listen for those. Listen in for more!
The artist's website: https://debbikenoteart.com/
Thanks for listening!
(Original intro song by David T Miller and Phillip J. Mellen)

Thursday Jan 19, 2023
Revisited: Inga Dalrymple and Phillip J. Mellen in Conversation
Thursday Jan 19, 2023
Thursday Jan 19, 2023
Hey and welcome to ahtcast!
This episode invites Sydney, Australia based artist Inga Dalrymple back to the podcast!
Words of the day: Edges. Sensory. Rhythm. Intuitive. Breath.
It has been nearly 10 years to the day since Inga last joined me to talk about her paintings. She had a lot to share about where her paintings have been over the years and, in my humble opinion, returning in force!
And as always, I encourage listeners to visit the artists’ websites while listening and look along. Or visit ahtcast.com for images of the guest artist’s work.
And one more tidbit, submitting 2 questions to the conversation was previous ahtcast guest Cologne based painter Sabine Tress, so be sure to listen for those.
Welcome Inga Dalrymple back to the program…...listen in!
The artist's website: https://ingadalrymple.com/home.html
(Original podcast intro song by David T Miller and Phillip J. Mellen)
Thanks for listening!

Saturday Dec 03, 2022
Becky Yazdan Interview
Saturday Dec 03, 2022
Saturday Dec 03, 2022
Words of the day: layer. linen. weird. excavation. Alice. Neel.
This episode’s guest is Becky Yazdan, a painter who splits her time between Brooklyn, NY and Maplewood, NJ.
In our interview conversation we talk show prep for her solo exhibition titled Aftermath at The Front gallery NYC, with an opening reception Thursday December 8th 2022 from 6 to 8 pm. And that is at 131 Chrystie Street New York, NY.
We also talk a bit about the early days in Becky’s journey in art and the traditional methods of preparing her linen used for painting which provides a perfect surface for producing truly amazing layering techniques. And stay for a rich glimpse into the content in the work as well.
Also in the episode is a multi-part question submitted by previous Ahtcast guest Sarah Boyts Yoder…(thanks Sarah!).
Listen in for more…thanks!
The artist's website: beckyyazdan.com/
Thanks for listening!
(Original intro song by David T Miller and Phillip J. Mellen)

Wednesday Oct 05, 2022
Revisited: Brooke Mullins Doherty and Phillip J. Mellen in Conversation
Wednesday Oct 05, 2022
Wednesday Oct 05, 2022
Words of the day: scale. organic. layer. complexity. intuition.
Welcome Brooke Mullins Doherty back to the podcast!
Brooke and I first spoke in the early days of ahtcast back in 2011 and I thought it would be a good thing to catch up and talk about Brooke’s current show and the work in it, along with details regarding her varied and focused working methods.
Brooke’s show is titled Divulgences, catch it if you are in the New Bedford, MA area for the reception October 13th 2022 from 5:30pm. The exhibition runs September 12 – October 20, 2022 at the Co+ Creative Center at 137 Union Street in New Bedford, MA.
Also featured in the interview are 3 questions submitted by previous podcast guest and Chicago based painter, Renee Robbins!
The artist's website: https://www.brookemullins.com/index.html
(Original podcast intro song by David T Miller and Phillip J. Mellen)
Thank you for listening!

Monday May 23, 2022
Ronan Bowes Interview
Monday May 23, 2022
Monday May 23, 2022
Words of the day: transitive. tension. experimentation. looking. passages.
This episode's guest is Ronan Bowes! In the conversation you'll hear Ronan share some of his early formative experiences with art and how they helped him in the right direction. Also what practice helped shape his identity as an artist, he expresses his love of materials and how work can take on the studio patina, also part of the interview is talk of painting as installation and blurring the lines of painting and constructions...listen in for more...
Wanted to also send a quick thank you to previous podcast guest Heather Yip for sending me an interview question for Ronan, thanks Heather!
Welcome Ronan Bowes!
The artist's website: https://www.ronanbowes.com/
(Original intro song by David T Miller and Phillip J. Mellen)

Monday Mar 14, 2022
Guest host Lauren Levine interviews Paul Behnke
Monday Mar 14, 2022
Monday Mar 14, 2022
Words of the day: figuration. abstraction. sketchbook. practice. driven.
Guest host Lauren G. Levine takes over the interview mic to talk with fellow painter Paul Behnke about his work and practice, as well as his move to Taos, NM with his wife.
Paul also shares his thoughts about ways of working on his paintings, his sketchbook practice, and how his current living conditions and location influence, or don’t influence, his current body of work. And more…
Paul Behnke's website: https://www.paulbehnke.net/
Thanks for listening! And many thanks to Lauren Levine for guest hosting!
(Original intro song by David T Miller and Phillip J. Mellen)

Saturday Feb 19, 2022
Barbara Laube Interview
Saturday Feb 19, 2022
Saturday Feb 19, 2022
Words of the day: history. ritual. open. magic. portrait. This episode’s guest is Barbara Laube.
In the conversation you’ll hear personal accounts and connections between the artist and her work. As well as the surprising, and not so surprising, places the work derives from. Also a list of artists’ studios she would like to visit.
This interview also features a few questions submitted by previous guest Brigid Watson. And more…..
Welcome Barbara Laube to ahtcast!
The artist's website: http://barbaralaube.com/
(Original intro song by David T Miller and Phillip J. Mellen)

Monday Jan 24, 2022
Sabine Tress | the Space Oddities interview
Monday Jan 24, 2022
Monday Jan 24, 2022
Words of the day: gesture. vulnerability. consciousness. Zero gravity.
For this episode Sabine Tress returns to the podcast, from her studio in Cologne, Germany, to discuss the work in her solo show Space Oddities.
This conversation acts mostly as a virtual tour of Sabine’s exhibition. Detailing the relationships between the actual exhibition space, the paintings, the viewer, and the painter herself. Somehow I make my way into the mix as well.
I did not know this interview would journey in the direction it did, it wasn’t until editing did I realized how these states were apparent.
This recording creates a virtual venue where the show takes place for those who can’t make it to the brick and mortar space, and yet helps make it a show not to miss in person.
Sabine Tress' website: https://sabinetress.de/
Space Oddities runs until February 12th 2022
At Esther Verhaeghe Art Concepts
Brussles, Belgium
More info on the show: https://estherverhaeghe.com/
Thanks for listening!
(Original intro song by David T Miller and Phillip J. Mellen)

Sunday Nov 21, 2021
Astrid Dick Interview
Sunday Nov 21, 2021
Sunday Nov 21, 2021
Words of the day: energy. intuition. rigor. patience. faith.
Paris based painter Astrid Dick joins ahtcast for a conversation. We talk the daily practice of painting, faith in the work that triggers more faith in the work, words and how they mix, and don't mix, well with painting and more.
Also, listen as I share a question and some thoughts by previous guest Lauren G. Levine. Tune in for more!
The artist's website: https://astriddick.com/home.html
Thanks for listening!
(Original intro song by David T Miller and Phillip J. Mellen)